Friday 1 November 2013

Twitter - Trending & Hashtags

Twitter – Trending & Hashtags

 By Cindy Jalovaara CJVirtualPA


Trending topics are the top 10 subjects being tweeted about on Twitter.  They are identified by a keyword in the “trending topics” bar at the side of your Twitter home page. These can be useful to discover breaking news stories and reactions to the topics.  Some of the tweets will include hashtags (for example #SocialMediaManagement) which is way of highlighting the most popular conversations on Twitter.

Sorting the Topics

You can often narrow down the trending topic data to view only tweets in their specific area. If you  log in to Twitter and click "change" at the top of the “trends list” you can choose to see worldwide trending topics, by country or city.

Top Tip: You can see the top trending topics without having to log in by going to the Twitter homepage. If you want to see all the messages from Twitter users relating to that topic, just click on the topic and the most recent will appear at the top.

Hashtags  #

A hashtag is a word or phrase prefixed with the hashtag symbol ( # )
Not only Tweets, but also short messages posted on Tumblr, Instagram or Google+ to name but a few, can be tagged by including the hashtag and then the word or words. For example #VirtualPAblogs can be used to search for the messages which appear relevant to blogs about Virtual PAs or written by Virtual PAs which may contain more tips to help you enhance your social media management.
 Top Tip:  Create a hashtag for your business: ensure you include your business name or initials but do remember to run a search first to check no-one else has already used it and don't overdo it - remember to keep things relevant if you want the best results.

Bookmark us and come back soon for more ideas on how to improve your online presence.

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